Seasonal tips


For several years CFC News included a suggestion for environmentally friendly action, usually at home, for that season. Click any tip to see the full article from CFC News.


Renew spring lawns. Refurbish your lawn the natural way.

Plant for shade. Save on home heating and cooling costs and provide habitat for birds and insects.

Fertilize without phosphorus. Fertilize your lawn only when necessary and only with phosphorus-free fertilizer.

Provide bluebird housing. Consider putting a nest box in your yard and monitoring it.


Install rain barrels. They are an easy way to save rain water for use in the yard when rain is scarce.

Plant native flowers. Native flowers attract pollinators which will improve vegetable production.

Mulch. Apply mulch to manage water and control weeds.


Mulch in the fall. Install mulch to maintain even soil temperature and provide shelter for small wildlife.

Use dead leaves. Dead leaves act as mulch and provide winter shelter for wildlife.

Leave dead trees standing. Dead trees can become a wonderful source of backyard habitat.


Leave plants standing. Dormant plants provide shelter for wildlife and add beauty to the winter landscape.

Melt ice without salt. Use an eco-safe ice melting option.

Start seeds. Starting your own seeds is a simple and economical way to get the plants you want at a fraction of the cost of buying plants.