CFC was recently awarded a grant of $3,750 from the Barrington Area Community Foundation (BACF) to begin phase one of the Wild Onion Wetland Trail project. This new trail will allow residents to be closer to nature and provide information on this “green” project happening in our community. The long-term goal of this Wild Onion Wetland Trail project is to provide connectivity to other public trail systems and open spaces throughout the community.

Phase one of the Wild Onion Trail will begin this year at CFC’s Flint Creek Savanna Preserve. The trail will extend along the ridge of the preserve’s vital wetland on land previously donated to CFC by the Kainz family and the Wild Onion Pub and Brewery. The trail will go between CFC and an overlook of the Wild Onion Pub and Brewery’s open property. The grant funds will be used to purchase gravel for the trail in addition to an educational sign depicting the value of the wetlands and wildlife that thrive in this habitat. Future phases of this project include expanding the Wild Onion Trail to other properties and providing educational opportunities relating to recycling, composting, and organic farming.