On a beautiful September Saturday, community members of all ages gathered to celebrate the vision and success that is now Citizens for Conservation’s award winning Flint Creek Savanna, a 131-acre nature preserve abundant with native plant and animal life. Restoration volunteers gathered for an appreciation breakfast before their regular workday and all was in order when Village of Lake Barrington Trustee Connie Schofield read a proclamation honoring the 25th anniversary of the savanna display boards. Children’s nature crafts, animal pelts and skeletons, and a nature scavenger hunt were favorites, along with giant soap bubbles over the prairie, which were exciting and enjoyed by all.
The afternoon ended with tales by folklore storyteller Jeannie Hanson who captivated all ages. As if on cue, Flint Creek Savanna’s resident sandhill cranes did a fly-over as a perfect salute to the efforts of the many volunteers who have made the restoration of CFC’s largest and most diverse perserve embracing creek course, oak and hickory groves, and acres of wetlands and prairie, a reality.